Is your Unique Selling Proposition strong, clear and effective? | BGB

Is your Unique Selling Proposition strong, clear and effective?

You will have heard the saying “it’s a jungle out there” and never more so these days than in business which is why you need to determine: is your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) strong, clear and effective?

When you are trying to work out your Unique Selling Proposition, a helpful process is to think about it in relation to your competition within your industry or another comparable industry which is making impressive inroads in the market. There are many questions you can ask to determine how strong it is, whether you need to make it stronger and how to best articulate that.

These questions cover a number of important areas and considerations for your business goals and they include: your competition; industry trends; perceived standards in sales and marketing; your average customer now and in the future; what problems do they have that you can solve; what particular capabilities your business has; and so on.

When you think of your competition, for example, who are your main three? What do they do well and what’s unique about them? What do they do poorly? How do you separate your USP from them? What is the perceived standard of customer service in your industry? What do you guarantee about your service? What would customers have said about your business 12 months ago? What would they say today?

Unique Selling Proposition Needs to stand out

What you are trying to achieve with your Unique Selling Proposition is to stand out from your competition in a way that is specific, tangible and of value to your target segments.

It’s actually not that difficult to get your business into shape, it does take a bit of time and forethought, though. To build yourself a bigger or better business there are only five key areas of marketing and sales you need to focus on. While we won’t be examining all of them in this blog, having a strong Unique Selling Proposition is key to all five of them.

Another great question to ask in defining your Unique Selling Proposition is: what is the one thing that if you could guarantee it, would make you the market leader? It is an excellent question and one that goes to the heart of finessing your USP. After all, isn’t part of this process working out what makes your customers come to you rather than another business?

P.S. Whenever you are ready…

Here are three ways we can help you grow your business.
  1. Get the ‘finish your business’ checklist: The complete step-by-step recipe to have all the ingredients in place to actually finish your business. That means it works without you and gives you a great life. Click here.
  2. Join and connect with other entrepreneurs that are building great businesses: It’s our Facebook community where smart business owners are learning to get more customers, build winning teams and put their businesses on autopilot. Join now.
  3. Apply to become a member of BGB: If you would like to be considered for membership and go from working in your business to working on your business… send us a message and put ‘membership’ in the subject line… tell us a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and we’ll get you all the details.
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