Building great businesses and making great impacts

Have a positive impact on your business and the world just by being a member.

Planes Community | Building Great Businesses

How the B1G1 program works

The genius thing about the B1G1 program is that you help improve people’s lives and the environment simply by being a BGB member.

We’ve chosen three charitable impacts to support, and while learning how to grow your business through our program you’ll also be helping us reach our impact goals.

Impact 1: business training

For every member who attends our membership day, we give one day of business training and micro-finance support to those in need.

Impact 2 – planting trees

Every time we welcome a new member we plant four trees to save orangutans.

Impact 3 – clean water

Every time we complete a Zoom call with our members, we give one day of clean water to students.

Help your business and the world as a BGB member