Building Great Businesses.
Dare to be great.

Building Great Businesses.
Dare to be great.

There are lots of ceilings in business.
We’ll help you smash yours.

Why are you here?

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Stop scrolling. 

Answer the question.

Does being a business owner feel the way you dreamt it would? 

Or does it feel more like this: 

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You’re lacking accountability

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You’re not sure what to prioritise next

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You’re struggling to stay motivated

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You’re feeling overwhelmed

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You’re feeling alone in your role

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You’re feeling

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You’re struggling with all the stress

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You’re doubting yourself

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You’re over the naysayers

If any of those hit a nerve,
need BGB 

Orange Plane | Building Great Businesses

Unlock your potential as a business owner with the BGB toolkit.

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The path to successful business ownership is well travelled – our expert coaches will guide you.  

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Deadlines and accountability partners will guarantee you deliver on your commitments. 

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Tools & Resources

Access exclusive templates, guides, resources and books to educate yourself and streamline your processes.

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Learn from other people’s mistakes. Hear insights from entrepreneurs who have had the same experience. 

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Weekly, monthly and annual goal setting and priority sessions will provide focus to your business.  

Asset: Red Plane | Building Great Businesses

Community Support

Seek advice and support from other business owners who understand your experience.


The BGB Elite Entrepreneur Program delivers proven results. Become a proper business owner and stop letting your business own you. 


Work on your business, not in your business. Your time is your most valuable asset, and through BGB you’ll learn to invest it where it counts. 


Your team is either growing or slowing your business . Learn to cultivate a highly motivated and capable team.


Your business should be making you money, not taking money from you. Learn how to improve your cash flow and open up further investment opportunities.  


Your decisions should be driven by choice, not controlled by your business. Enjoy the fruits of your labour and live your ideal lifestyle.


Why BGB is your best solution.

Coaches Andrew Laurie and Stephen O’Sullivan have proven experience as successful business owners and renowned coaches. Their goal is to help business owners like you follow the path they’ve forged.

Andrew Laurie | Building Great Businesses

Andrew built a $1 billion business in the UK, has taught business management at Sydney Business School, and is a 4-time winner of the Global Executive Coach of the Year award.
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Stephen turned ailing LTrent Driving School into a 88 franchise business and specialises in helping business owners step away and appoint general managers.
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Stephen O’Sullivan | Building Great Businesses

Andrew built a $1 billion business in the UK, has taught business management at Sydney Business School, and is a 4-time winner of the Global Executive Coach of the Year award.
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Andrew Laurie | Building Great Businesses

Stephen turned ailing LTrent Driving School into a 88 franchise business and specialises in helping business owners step away and appoint general managers.
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Stephen O’Sullivan | Building Great Businesses
Orange Plane | Building Great Businesses

Our success stories

Still not convinced? Don’t take our word for it, hear real business owners, just like you, share their BGB experience.