From Good to Great: The Art of Hiring, Firing, and Managing People

Mastering the Art of Team Dynamics

Dear readers,

Let’s talk about a truth that’s often overlooked in the business world: the interconnected skills of firing, hiring, and developing your team. It’s a cycle that, when mastered, can transform the quality of your workforce and the success of your business.

You might be thinking, ‘Wait, what does firing have to do with hiring?’ Well, I’ll tell you—everything. To excel at assembling a dream team, you must be equally adept at letting people go. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but it’s a necessary part of the equation.

Hiring, Firing, and Managing People

We all yearn to fill our ranks with top-tier talent, and rightly so. Raising the bar should be a constant endeavor. However, there’s a pervasive myth that if you hire well, your job is done. But let’s be clear: no matter how stellar a candidate’s track record may be, there’s no foolproof guarantee they’ll mesh with your unique business environment.

Your company is a distinct entity, with its own culture, client base, market, and internal dynamics. Even the most promising hires must navigate these waters, and success is not a given. Some may thrive immediately, while others hover at 70% of their potential, despite a seemingly perfect fit on paper.

For those at 70%, it’s your mission to guide them—through management, feedback, coaching, and mentoring—to reach their full potential. This is where you can truly make a difference. By investing in their development, you can elevate them from good to great. However, this process requires patience, commitment, and a clear vision of what excellence looks like in your organization.

Nevertheless, there will be instances where an individual simply doesn’t gel, despite your best efforts. This is when you must be resolute in making the tough decision to let them go. It’s not easy, but it’s far better than the alternative—holding onto hope for improvement that may never come.

Many of us have been there, rationalizing the situation with thoughts like, ‘It’s better to have someone than no one,’ or ‘They might improve eventually.’ But deep down, we know these are just excuses. If, after giving ample support and opportunity, there’s no significant improvement, decisiveness is key.

Building a Dream Team

The fear of the unknown—of starting the hiring process anew—can be daunting. We long for that perfect candidate, the one who will seamlessly integrate and perform flawlessly. Yet, this is a fantasy. In reality, hiring is a gamble, and part of your role is to become comfortable with that uncertainty.

To build a magnificent team, focus not only on who you bring in but also on how you and your team nurture your employees’ growth. And, when necessary, how effectively you handle the departure of those who aren’t the right fit.

A truly exceptional manager shines across the board—they hire with insight, manage with inspiration, develop with dedication, and, when required, fire with fairness and resolve. It’s this trifecta of abilities that sets apart good managers from great ones.

Remember, the goal is not just to gather a group of individuals but to forge a formidable team that embodies the vision and values of your company. Embrace the full spectrum of your role, and watch as your team—and your business—flourishes.

All the best on your journey to mastering these pivotal skills.

P.S. Whenever you are ready…

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  1. Get the ‘finish your business’ checklist: The complete step-by-step recipe to have all the ingredients in place to actually finish your business. That means it works without you and gives you a great life. Click here.
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More advice on how to start building a business that works without you